Category : Asthma

Asthma Attacks. Who Gets Them?

Asthma Attacks & Reversing The Disease Process of Asthma

With Asthma, there are a lot of would be Asthma causes that set off symptoms or indicators, while also largely explaining the unusual ways asthma may show up. In a good number of asthma cases, this tricky disease shows up quite early in childhood, as babies may express symptoms of Asthma and definitely toddlers from age two to six years of age, tend to show consistent Asthma symptoms. In this toddler age group, the main causes of asthma symptoms is over and over again connected to contact with common allergens, like unseen dust mites, second hand tobacco smoke, and any of a multitude of viral Asthma related respiratory infections. Attacks occur frequently and many times without warning

What is Asthma?

In even very young children, who are even less than two years of age, the disease of asthma may be quite difficult to properly diagnose with any certainty. Asthma Wheezing, puffing and being out of breath at this age, over and over again comes immediately after a bout of a viral infection and may or may not disappear later on, without it ever turning into full blown asthma. Symptoms and the disease, on the other hand, often does develop over again in early adulthood. Adult onset asthma happens more frequently in women, who are typically middle aged, and often does follow some kind of a respiratory tract infection. The Asthma triggers in this female group are more often than not allergy related, in nature.

Extrinsic or Intrinsic Asthma Factors.

In general there are a couple of main types of asthma which are allergic or extrinsic and non-allergic Asthma or intrinsic asthma. Dr. Miller, your Asthma treating doctor might refer to your asthma as being extrinsic or intrinsic. A more clear perception of this nature of the disease of asthma may assist in explaining the many general and specific Asthma differences between the two. Extrinsic asthma, or allergy based asthma, is much more widespread as it occurs in about 90% of all asthma cases.

Extrinsic asthma characteristically develops somewhere in childhood. Just about 80% of kids with asthma in addition, have known allergies. Characteristically, there is a history within the family of some kinds or many kinds of allergies. In addition, other general allergic conditions, like nasal allergies or eczema, which affects the skin, are time and again, additionally showing up. Allergic asthma frequently lessens in early adulthood, when people are often not closely in contact with the things that triggered their allergies when they were younger, like carpet, pets, and their old, worn out pacifier, stuffed animal, blankie, and etcetera. Nevertheless, in three fourths of all cases, the asthma comes back later.

About 10% of all cases are intrinsic asthma cases, which means the asthma symptoms, cannot be directly blamed on allergens. Intrinsic asthma cases usually develop after the age of 30 and are not characteristically linked to allergens affecting allergies. Women are much more likely to contract asthma and many asthma cases give the impression they come after a respiratory tract infection. The asthma condition might be hard to treat and asthma symptoms are over and over again, chronic and bothersome year round. There is no need to continue suffering regardless of whether you have extrinsic or intrinsic asthma there is a scientific assessment with real results available through Dr. Miller at True Health Solutions of Lexington.

Patients Come From Around Lexington Kentucky For Asthma Care:

Many of our patients come the Lexington Kentucky area, with many other asthma patients coming from communities close to the Lexington, Kentucky area.

Many of our asthma patients are referred by other asthma patients or from asthma support groups. Asthma patients find driving to Lexington, Kentucky is not to far to drive for asthma care that truly reverses the disease process of Asthma. Lexington Kentucky is an easy city to assess and our facility in Lexington Kentucky is very easy to find.  Rid yourself of Asthma by investigating our Asthma program designed to reverse the disease process of Asthma.

Risk Factors that Trigger Asthma Attacks

What are the Risk Factors that Trigger Asthma Attacks

Dr. Mark Miller (Ret). Director & Health Consultant.  Developer of the “Miller Method of Healing & Health.”

“The body performs miracles when functioning correctly. Asthma and Asthma attacks is a disorder in the body that come from neurological and metabolic dysfunctions. Unless the Asthma and Asthma attacks metabolic dysfunctions are identified via comprehensive Asthma lab-work profiles, and the Asthma neurological disturbances are identified using neurological testing, the treating physician will not be properly equipped to address Asthma at its’ root, fundamental levels.  Correcting Asthma at the root is where the magic is… and only at the root level can the magic be found. ” Dr. Miller

What is asthma  and asthma attacks exactly and what are these asthma triggers causing asthma attacks, are questions many asthma sufferers would like answers to. Some of the known asthma attack triggers for asthma can include, things that cause allergies like pollen, mold, animal dander, urine, house dust or dust mites, cockroach and other insect droppings. Definite irritant foods triggering asthma attacks are those with tough odors or sprays, like perfumes, cooking fumes, household cleaners, varnishes, paints, chemicals, like chalk dust, coal, or talc powder, pollutants in the air like cigarette smoke, wood smoke, and other airborne chemicals. When weather conditions change it can trigger asthma attacks due to changes with temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, and strong winds and if you are exposed to chemicals on the job, like vapors, dust, gases, or fumes, you can be effected by asthma attacks too.

It may seem odd to someone who does not have asthma attack issues but strenuous physical exercise can trigger an asthma attack, often because of inhaling cool and dry air. Long-term demanding activities like running long distances can induce asthma and asthma attacks, whereas swimming is unlikely to do so. An obvious asthma and asthma attacks trigger is smoke of any kind but tobacco smoke, whether directly or passively inhaled, has been shown to worsen asthma and asthma attacks.

With asthma and asthma attacks, When you have irritation of the airways, throat, nose, lungs, and sinuses, for instance when suffering from sinusitis or other respiratory infections, it can cause asthma attacks. Any strong sensitivity to various asthma and asthma attacks medications, like aspirin or things with sulfite additives, are thought to cause up to 20 percent of all adult asthma attacks. When you are sensitive to these things it is hard to avoid the results of sensitivities or allergies to them and this can cause asthma and asthma attacks. These asthma and asthma attacks medications often include aspirin, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, like naproxen, ibuprofen, and the types of sulfites used in food and beverages as preservatives. Before taking any asthma and asthma attacks medication, when you are sensitive to these things, including over-the-counter asthma and asthma attacks medications, consult your asthma and asthma attack doctor.

Then what might be considered normal emotional anxiety and nervous stress for some people can cause asthma attacks in those prone to suffer. Reactions from anxiety and stress can be symptoms more than causes of asthma and asthma attacks. Anxiety and stress can cause exhaustion, which may have an effect on your immune system, which increases asthma symptoms or brings on asthma attacks.

How asthma is traditionally diagnosed is another good question and do the traditional methods work, is another great question to ask. To diagnose asthma and asthma attacks and distinguish it from other lung disorders, medical doctors rely on a combination of asthma and asthma attacks histories, examinations, and tests, which may include assessing lung function, by determining how well the lungs receive, hold, and utilize air, monitor a lung disease, and the effectiveness of treatment, the severity of a lung disease and if a lung disease is decreasing airflow or disrupting airflow often found with asthma and asthma attacks. Other asthma and asthma attacks tests typically used are allergy tests, measuring the fastest speed you can blow air out of the lungs, chest x-rays, and blood tests to see the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood, effected with asthma and asthma attacks.

When asthma and asthma attacks patients with any indication they are dealing with the symptoms of asthma and asthma attacks come to see Dr. Miller, at True Health Solutions of Lexington, they are treated to thorough neurological testing and metabolic lab-work examinations to make sure they have accurate, comprehensive asthma and asthma attacks diagnosis.

Many of our asthma and asthma attacks patients come from the city of Lexington, Kentucky with many being referred from other asthma and asthma attacks patients in the Lexington, Kentucky area. Lexington Kentucky is a wonderful city and is centrally located with easy access for patients to get to. Lexington, Kentucky is not to far to drive for an individual to get their health restored and their life back in order. And those coming from Lexington, Kentucky, or those coming from an hour up to three hours from Lexington, Kentucky, are all to happy to be able to find a asthma and asthma attack doctor who can reverse the disease processes of asthma and asthma attacks poor health, expressing the same thing…”Lexington Kentucky is not to far to drive for this life changing and life saving asthma and asthma attacks care!”

Many asthma and asthma attacks patients frequently drive from around the city of  Lexington Kentucky and from communities that surround the city of Lexington, Kentucky. all of which are only about an hour to two up to three hours away too. As so many of our patients say.. “It’s not to far to have my life saved!”

It is at this point that true scientific options for treatment can be put into a personalized asthma treatment program.

Dr. Donald Miller, Treating Doctor. ”In clinical practice assisting individuals with asthma and asthma attacks, I continue to witness first hand the amazing, positive effects that correcting the underlying metabolic and neurological dysfunctions has on the body.  It is absolutely true, “Continued Asthma is largely due to an underlying condition not properly diagnosed and thus not properly treated.  Asthma and poor health in general is reversible and correctable.”




Asthma Risk Factors

What are the asthma risk factors for an asthma attack?

There are many questions to ask when you are dealing with Asthma Attacks, like what is asthma, what are the asthma risk factors for an asthma attack and who can get asthma and have asthma attacks, in the first place. Even though anyone may have an asthma attack, it most commonly occurs in the following people, children and adolescents ages 5 to17, adults older than 65, people living in urban communities.

Our patients frequently drive from all over Kentucky including Louisville, Ky. Many of our patients drive from one to three hours, in one direction to obtain our unique care.  As so many of our patients say.. “It’s not to far to have my life saved!”

Other asthma attack factors can include asthma family history or your own allergies medical history. Children most vulnerable to asthma attacks include children with asthma family history, children who are allergic to various things and children exposed to secondhand smoke.

This is what traditional asthma research has shown what can happen during an asthma attack. People with asthma can have an acute occurrence while the air passages in their lungs happen to got narrower, causing breathing to become hard. Over sensitivity of your airways and lungs can cause these problems. The lungs and airways react excessively to definite asthma triggers which in turn cause the airway linings to get inflamed and swollen. When airway muscles tighten, amplified mucus production causes breathing to get harder and possible hurt. Additionally, there may be coughing or a wheezing or whistling sound, which is typical of asthma.

Some typical asthma triggers are cockroach droppings, mold, pollen, urine, animal dander, house dust, and dust mites. Specific foods, things with strong odors, perfumes,  aerosol sprays, household cleaners, paints, cooking fumes, coal, varnishes, chalk dust, smoke, talcum powder, chemicals, strong winds, weather changes, vapors, gases or fumes and dust. Heavy exercise can trigger asthma attacks, over and over again because of the inhaled cool and dry air. Heavy activities over time like long distance running are very likely to bring on asthma attacks whereas swimming rarely does.

Smoke, whether directly inhaled or passively inhaled as second hand smoke, is known to make asthma worse. Even simple wood smoke from heating stoves or fireplaces that are wood-burning can release sulfur dioxide which is an irritant. Sinusitis and other respiratory infections will cause irritations in the nose, lungs, throat, and sinuses, making asthma worse.

Sensitivity to medications, like aspirin and ingredients added to medications, like sulfites, can cause up to twenty percent of all adult asthmatic attacks due to hyper sensitivities or allergic reactions to them. These irritating medications time and again include aspirin, indomethacin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. The irritating sulfites used to preservative food and beverages can kick up asthma attacks as well. Before you take any medications, even those seemingly ordinary ones like over the counter medications, check with Dr. Miller at True Health Solutions. There are alternatives to suffering and a scientific assessment with very real results is infinitely more attractive than treatments that have not worked consistently for you.

When patients with any signs of asthma symptoms or active asthma attack experiences, come to see Dr. Miller, at True Health Solutions, they go all the way through complete examinations to be in no doubt they have an accurate diagnosis. It is at this moment in time that priceless and correct scientific treatment choices for asthma sufferers can be set into a customized asthma treatment program.

A patient who comes in from Louisville, Ky says ever since she started with Dr. Miller, she has lost over 23 lbs and has considerably more energy, although she had been under the care of an MD for over 7 years. She has referred several others from Louisville, Ky as she says.. “It’s only about an hour drive to have my life saved!”

Many others from Louisville, Ky are all to happy to be able to find a doctor who can reverse the disease processes of poor health from asthma, as well as, diabetes, hypothyroid & fibromyalgia and expressing the same thing.. “Louisville… It’s not to far to drive for this life changing and life saving care!”

Many of our patients come from the city of Louisville, Kentucky with many being referred from other patients in the Louisville, Kentucky area.  Louisville, Kentucky is not to far to drive for an individual to get their health restored and their life back in order. And those coming from Louisville, Kentucky, or those coming from an hour up to three hours from Louisville, Kentucky, are all to happy to be able to find a doctor who can reverse the disease processes of poor health from Asthma or Type II Diabetes, expressing the same thing…”Louisville, Kentucky is not to far to drive for this life changing and life saving care!”

Some Traditional Child Asthma Treatment Side Effects

Asthma Treatment Side Effects

Child asthma sufferers who use inhaled steroids end up being slightly shorter as adults, was recently reported in a study, and important to know as a concerned parent. When we see our children suffering it is only natural to want to relieve their suffering, but not if the traditional child asthma methods will give our children new issues down the road.

Child Asthma sufferers on Prescription Medications is Likely to affect your Child’s Height

Child asthma sufferers taking inhaled steroids are likely to end up being slightly shorter than their friends when they get older. This information comes from a recent study, funded by the government. It has been known for some time that inhaled steroids have been known to slow children’s growth for the duration of the first years of using them. Now we learn the long term shock of inhaled steroids on height was unidentified until now. One participating researcher said the risk for stunting\ growth may be lessened by lowering the medication’s dose. That is not a positive statement though as the researchers just do not know whether smaller doses will improve the outcomes. And the only way to find out is to try it and see what happens to your child. Many parents would rather not be the guinea pigs of experimentation. It is much wiser to go with a proven program, relieving symptoms in natural ways, you will find at True Health Solutions of Lexington.

Inhaled Steroid Users Slightly Shorter

Adults, who were monitored in the government study, had been using budesonide, an inhaled steroid, which is in Pulmicort the prescription medication. These adults in the study were, commonly, half an inch shorter than those adults who were not using a steroid. This difference in height was seen first throughout treatment, and though the effect did persist into their adulthood, it did not continue to get worse, according to the report.

The findings are considered surprising in the medical community. Doctors believed inhaled steroids would not affect height permanently and that the children using inhaled steroids would catch up, which is not what the findings proved.

Study Brings a Long Awaited Answer

Although the study provided a long awaited answer to whether or not inhaled steroids did in fact have an effect on growth that was permanent. Some physicians believed the impact on their patient’s height had to be weighed in opposition to the seemingly effective inhaled steroids compared with other traditional asthma treatments for children.

This government study included about 1,000 mild to moderate asthma suffering children. There were three groups including one treated with budesonide, the inhaled steroid, another group using nedocromil, which is a non-steroid inhaled drug, and not available in the United States any more, and the third group was treated with a placebo.

All of the groups, interestingly enough, were also given the non-steroid asthma drug albuterol. After a year to two years of treatment, children in the inhaled steroid group were an average of a half an inch shorter than children in the other two groups.

To learn your natural options for treating this debilitating disease, come see Dr. Miller at True Health Solutions of Lexington, for a scientific assessment and an asthma treatment program that gets real results.

Asthma Attack Causes

Asthma and dealing with Asthma.

Asthma is a persistent, disease of inflammation, where the airways develop sensitivity to available allergens, which are any substances triggering allergic reactions and asthma. Quite a few things take place in the airways when somebody is exposed to certain triggers, the airway linings become inflamed and swollen, the muscles surrounding the airways tighten, and the mucus production increases, leading to uncomfortable mucus plugs and asthma. Every single one of these factors, cause narrowing of the airways, which makes it hard for air to get in and out of lungs, and all this causes asthma symptoms and asthma.

What are the symptoms of asthma?

Asthma may look like respiratory issues, like emphysema, bronchitis, and lower respiratory infections. It is often under diagnosed and many people with the disease do not know they have it. Sometimes, the only symptom is a chronic cough, especially at night, or coughing or wheezing that occurs only with exercise. Some people think they have recurrent bronchitis, since respiratory infections usually settle in the chest in somebody predisposed to asthma.

What causes Asthma Attacks?

The exact cause of asthma is not completely known. It is thought to be partly hereditary, except it additionally involves a lot of other infectious, environmental, and chemical conditions. Once somebody is exposed to certain triggers, their body will release histamine and other causes that may cause swelling in the airways. Their bodies also release other factors causing airways muscles to tighten, and get smaller. There is additionally a mucus production increase that clogs airways  and asthma symptoms start.

Some people have asthma caused by varying types and activity levels of exercise, which is not necessarily a good reason not to exercise. Asthma attacks and symptoms may occur while exercising, or soon after. Everybody has special triggers causing asthma symptoms to get worse. This is something to discuss this with you Dr. Miller at True Health Solutions of Lexington.

The changes that happen with asthma symptoms are thought to occur in two stages. There is an instant response to triggers leading to inflammation and tightening of airways, making it hard to breathe. Then there is what can happen later which is hours after exposure to allergens, leading to additional swelling of the airways and difficulty with airflow.

There are Risk Factors

Risk factors are anything increasing somebody’s chances of getting a disease in the first place. It may be some kind of activity, family history, diet, or a lot of added effects. Special diseases have diverse risk factors. Even though these factors may increase somebody’s risk, they do not essentially affect the disease. For instance, some people, with several risk factors may never develop asthma attacks, while others develop asthma attacks and have zero known risk factors. Being aware of your risk factors to disease, may assist guiding you to appropriate treatments, including changing your behaviors, being seen by Dr. Miller and being professionally watched for the disease.

When asthma patients have any indication they are dealing with asthma symptoms, come to see Dr. Miller, at True Health Solutions of Lexington, they are given thorough examinations. It is at this time, accurate scientific options for their treatment may be put in an asthma treatment program.