Risk Factors that Trigger Asthma Attacks
What are the Risk Factors that Trigger Asthma Attacks
Dr. Mark Miller (Ret). Director & Health Consultant. Developer of the “Miller Method of Healing & Health.”
“The body performs miracles when functioning correctly. Asthma and Asthma attacks is a disorder in the body that come from neurological and metabolic dysfunctions. Unless the Asthma and Asthma attacks metabolic dysfunctions are identified via comprehensive Asthma lab-work profiles, and the Asthma neurological disturbances are identified using neurological testing, the treating physician will not be properly equipped to address Asthma at its’ root, fundamental levels. Correcting Asthma at the root is where the magic is… and only at the root level can the magic be found. ” Dr. Miller
What is asthma and asthma attacks exactly and what are these asthma triggers causing asthma attacks, are questions many asthma sufferers would like answers to. Some of the known asthma attack triggers for asthma can include, things that cause allergies like pollen, mold, animal dander, urine, house dust or dust mites, cockroach and other insect droppings. Definite irritant foods triggering asthma attacks are those with tough odors or sprays, like perfumes, cooking fumes, household cleaners, varnishes, paints, chemicals, like chalk dust, coal, or talc powder, pollutants in the air like cigarette smoke, wood smoke, and other airborne chemicals. When weather conditions change it can trigger asthma attacks due to changes with temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, and strong winds and if you are exposed to chemicals on the job, like vapors, dust, gases, or fumes, you can be effected by asthma attacks too.
It may seem odd to someone who does not have asthma attack issues but strenuous physical exercise can trigger an asthma attack, often because of inhaling cool and dry air. Long-term demanding activities like running long distances can induce asthma and asthma attacks, whereas swimming is unlikely to do so. An obvious asthma and asthma attacks trigger is smoke of any kind but tobacco smoke, whether directly or passively inhaled, has been shown to worsen asthma and asthma attacks.
With asthma and asthma attacks, When you have irritation of the airways, throat, nose, lungs, and sinuses, for instance when suffering from sinusitis or other respiratory infections, it can cause asthma attacks. Any strong sensitivity to various asthma and asthma attacks medications, like aspirin or things with sulfite additives, are thought to cause up to 20 percent of all adult asthma attacks. When you are sensitive to these things it is hard to avoid the results of sensitivities or allergies to them and this can cause asthma and asthma attacks. These asthma and asthma attacks medications often include aspirin, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, like naproxen, ibuprofen, and the types of sulfites used in food and beverages as preservatives. Before taking any asthma and asthma attacks medication, when you are sensitive to these things, including over-the-counter asthma and asthma attacks medications, consult your asthma and asthma attack doctor.
Then what might be considered normal emotional anxiety and nervous stress for some people can cause asthma attacks in those prone to suffer. Reactions from anxiety and stress can be symptoms more than causes of asthma and asthma attacks. Anxiety and stress can cause exhaustion, which may have an effect on your immune system, which increases asthma symptoms or brings on asthma attacks.
How asthma is traditionally diagnosed is another good question and do the traditional methods work, is another great question to ask. To diagnose asthma and asthma attacks and distinguish it from other lung disorders, medical doctors rely on a combination of asthma and asthma attacks histories, examinations, and tests, which may include assessing lung function, by determining how well the lungs receive, hold, and utilize air, monitor a lung disease, and the effectiveness of treatment, the severity of a lung disease and if a lung disease is decreasing airflow or disrupting airflow often found with asthma and asthma attacks. Other asthma and asthma attacks tests typically used are allergy tests, measuring the fastest speed you can blow air out of the lungs, chest x-rays, and blood tests to see the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood, effected with asthma and asthma attacks.
When asthma and asthma attacks patients with any indication they are dealing with the symptoms of asthma and asthma attacks come to see Dr. Miller, at True Health Solutions of Lexington, they are treated to thorough neurological testing and metabolic lab-work examinations to make sure they have accurate, comprehensive asthma and asthma attacks diagnosis.
Many of our asthma and asthma attacks patients come from the city of Lexington, Kentucky with many being referred from other asthma and asthma attacks patients in the Lexington, Kentucky area. Lexington Kentucky is a wonderful city and is centrally located with easy access for patients to get to. Lexington, Kentucky is not to far to drive for an individual to get their health restored and their life back in order. And those coming from Lexington, Kentucky, or those coming from an hour up to three hours from Lexington, Kentucky, are all to happy to be able to find a asthma and asthma attack doctor who can reverse the disease processes of asthma and asthma attacks poor health, expressing the same thing…”Lexington Kentucky is not to far to drive for this life changing and life saving asthma and asthma attacks care!”
Many asthma and asthma attacks patients frequently drive from around the city of Lexington Kentucky and from communities that surround the city of Lexington, Kentucky. all of which are only about an hour to two up to three hours away too. As so many of our patients say.. “It’s not to far to have my life saved!”
It is at this point that true scientific options for treatment can be put into a personalized asthma treatment program.
Dr. Donald Miller, Treating Doctor. ”In clinical practice assisting individuals with asthma and asthma attacks, I continue to witness first hand the amazing, positive effects that correcting the underlying metabolic and neurological dysfunctions has on the body. It is absolutely true, “Continued Asthma is largely due to an underlying condition not properly diagnosed and thus not properly treated. Asthma and poor health in general is reversible and correctable.”