Asthma Care. A Scientific Assessment & Real Results.
Asthma Care With Long-lasting Results Is Now Possible!
- Eric Green Jr. age 10 suffered from asthma, allergies & nose bleeds since the age of 2. Eric saw allergy & asthma doctors for 8 years. He had nosebleeds 2 to 3 times a day! Asthma attacks four times a week and was hospitalized 4 times in the last year from asthma attacks! Eric’s Mom bought him in to see Dr. Miller. After a comprehensive assessment of Eric was completed, a personalized program of care was begun. After 7 weeks of care Eric’s Nose Bleeds stopped, Asthma cleared up and Allergies gone! “Dr. Miller gave me my life back! Read More >
Eric G., Jr.
- For 12 years, I was diagnosed with Severe Asthma. I was forced to use oxygen tanks constantly, and asthma inhalers and asthma medications several times daily. I was constantly hooked up to oxygen and couldn’t leave the house without my oxygen tanks. Within just weeks under Dr. Miller’s care, I began to breathe much better. After just 4 months, my medical doctor re-tested my lungs and told me I did not need to continue to use the oxygen tanks. After twelve long years I am now free! God bless you Dr. Miller! You truly preformed a miracle on me! I send all my friends to you, no matter what they suffer from! Read More >
Marzela M.
- I suffered from Asthma for years. Having Asthma prevented me from doing the activities I wanted to do. At times my Asthma attacks were just horrible, putting me in bed rest. Then I was referred to Dr. Miller. It was only weeks before I felt so much better. I am now off all Asthma medications and have not had any breathing problems for several months! Read More >
Norma H.

Our Asthma Treatment Approach Is Unique
All of our asthma treatment programs are based on the ‘gold standard’ and involve no medications. The treatment is focused on the deeper levels of the asthma disease process, organ/lung system inflammation, immune system and neurological dysfunctions where the asthma disease itself is being caused or created in your body. Asthma Prescription pills and asthma shots are only designed to temporarily reduce asthma symptoms without any focus on treating the real causes of the Asthma disease processes. First: We obtain a state-of-the-art and very comprehensive diagnostic Asthma related Labs. Lab work that reveals the underlying, associated asthma related metabolic dysfunctions and nutritional deficiencies that are contributing to, or causing the asthma inflammatory irregularities in the air-pathways resulting in the asthma symptoms. We obtain blood lab, saliva and DNA GI Tract testing to reveal what exactly is not working correctly and contributing to, or causing your asthmatic condition and asthma symptoms. Next: We perform specific neurological testing to determine where exactly the neurological disturbances are that are contributing to or causing asthma symptoms like those driving the irregularities in the lungs’ air pathways. We use computer assisted technology to be exact with our neurological asthma examinations. Then: Based upon all the comprehensive, neurologic, metabolic and nutritional deficiencies information made available from our state-of-the-art examinations, a formulated, personalized Asthma program of care is initiated with a focus on correcting the root, fundamental causes of your asthma condition and asthma symptoms. Asthma is the term used for asthma symptoms which are conditions where the airways of the lungs dysfunction. Asthma inflammation in the airway passages causes the asthma airway to become restricted which obstructs airflow in and out of the asthma lungs. Asthma and the disease process of Asthma is reversible if the treating doctor can address the Asthma disease process at the deeper levels where Asthma and the condition of Asthma symptoms is created or caused in the body.
The symptoms of Asthma include:
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath.
- Chest tightness.
- Light headedness – vertigo.
- Difficultly breathing
Dr. Mark Miller, Clinic Director & Healthcare Consultant. Developer of the “True Health Solutions Method of Healing & Health.” “The Body Performs Miracles When Functioning Correctly. Asthma is a disorder in the body that is caused by neurological and metabolic dysfunctions or disorders. Unless the metabolic & nutritional dysfunctions are identified via lab-work profiles, and the neurological disturbances are identified using neurological testing, the treating physician will not be properly equipped to address asthma at its root, fundamental levels. Correcting asthma at the root levels is where the magic is.. and only at this level is the real magic found.”
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. – Asthma – “No Cure for Asthma”. “There is no cure for asthma, but asthma symptoms can be managed with proper medications, inhalers and prevention. More Americans than ever before say they are suffering from asthma. It is one of this country’s most common and costly diseases – asthma” AAFA Website.
Patients Come To Us From Kentucky And Beyond For Asthma Care.