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What are the Type 2 Diabetic Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy?

Type 2 Diabetic Neuropathy

Type 2 diabetic symptoms can depend on your type of neuropathy and which of your nerves are most affected. One or more type 2 diabetes sufferers with even significant nerve damage have no visible type 2 diabetic symptoms. For other people, the first type 2 diabetic symptom is frequently tingling, numbness, or pain in the feet. Type 2 diabetic symptoms are frequently minor at first, and because most nerve damage happens over many years, and mild cases could go ignored for a very long time. Type 2 diabetic symptoms could include the motor, sensory, and autonomic or involuntary nervous systems. In one or more type 2 diabetes sufferers, mainly those with focal neuropathy, the beginning of when you start noticing pain, could be quite sudden and often times severe.

Type 2 diabetic symptoms of nerve damage could include, tingling, numbness, or pain in the feet, toes, legs, arms, hands, and fingers, indigestion, loss of the use of the muscles of the feet or hands, nausea, or diarrhea, vomiting, or constipation, dizziness or faintness because of a drop in blood pressure when standing up or sitting up, issues with urination, vaginal dryness in women, or erectile dysfunction in men and weakness. Type 2 diabetic symptoms that are not because of neuropathy, but frequently accompany it, include weight loss and depression.

What are the Kinds of Type 2 Diabetic Neuropathy?

Type 2 diabetic neuropathy could be classified as peripheral, autonomic, proximal, or focal. Each affects dissimilar parts of the body in various ways. Peripheral neuropathy, the most frequent type of type 2 diabetic neuropathy, results in pain or loss of feeling in the toes, feet, legs, hands, and arms.

Autonomic neuropathy results in changes in your bowel function, digestion, and your sexual response, bladder function, and your levels of perspiration. It could also affect your nerves that serve your heart and control your blood pressure, as well as your nerves in your lungs and your eyes. Autonomic neuropathy could additionally cause what is known as hypoglycemia unawareness. This is an issue where you no longer are experiencing the warnings you used to have of your type 2 diabetic symptoms of your low blood glucose levels.

Proximal neuropathy is when you feel pain in your thighs, your hips, or your buttocks which then leads to weakness in your legs. Focal neuropathy is when you experience a sudden weakness of one of your nerves or a group of your nerves, causing you to have muscle weakness or some type of pain. Any nerves in your entire body could be adversely affected.

The Results of Your Neuropathy Care Could Be Absolutely Life Changing

In fact, research proves that many if not all your type 2 diabetes medications carry the risk of serious side effects causing weight gain, liver issue and kidney failure. These your type 2 diabetes medications just mask the issue, temporarily reducing a type 2 diabetic symptom, and do not treat the primary, root results in of your type 2 diabetes nor do they reverse the issue process of your type 2 diabetes.