Extraordinary Results for Fibromyalgia and or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Extraordinary Results for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder characterized by extensive, whole body, expansive, and regularly debilitating pain and exhaustion preventing stricken patients from handling daily tasks. Most victims are women who are between the ages of 20 and 50 years old. It is estimated that fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome effects as many as 12 million Americans. At least that many suffer from fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome, while many more are undiagnosed due to lack of understanding of this disease and its rather elusive nature.
Fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome is two times as common as rheumatoid arthritis and is the number two reason people go to rheumatologists. Women are at least ten times more likely to suffer from fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome than men. There is not one laboratory test particularly for fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome.
What Healthier Patients Say About Their Treatment
Incorrect diagnosis and improper treatment of fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome causes patients to cry from the pain and stress and the side effects of so many prescription pills taken for years. Patients come to Dr. Miller after not being able to stand, sit, or bend, or do anything at all. People are miserable and even with loving families feel they have no joy in life. When they come to Dr. Miller, he run labs and shows them the real reason why they were sick. In mere weeks, they find they can get their lives back.
Fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome are disorders in the body that come from metabolic and neurological disorders. If the metabolic dysfunctions are not indentified and it the neurological disorders are not indentified either, Dr. Miller will not be able to address the root or fundamental causes of fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome. Correcting fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome at their very roots is when your body can experience what may seem like miracles.
Despite its prevalence, fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown to a good number of people. Even medical doctors did not get training on this disorder, as medical schools only started teaching it of late. There is however a general lack of data in the medical community, making it very difficult for sufferers to get positive help through traditional medicine.
It seems to be an average of five years and thousands of dollars spent on traditional medical bills before someone can get a correct diagnosis in many cases. Then the traditional treatment is multiple prescription medications, which in theory are to reduce pain temporarily. Due to misdiagnosis over fifty percent of all fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome patients, end up with unnecessary surgeries.
Fibromyalgia and or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms
The most common fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms are muscle Pain lasting longer than 3 months, stiffness in muscle and joints, tension headaches, restless sleep, irritable bowel, with recurring constipation and diarrhea, mood disorders from depression to anxiety, foggy brain and difficulty concentrating, restless leg syndrome, painful menstrual periods, vaginal pain and dryness, irritable bladder and urinary infections. What healthier patients say about their treatment is that Dr. Miller gets them extraordinary results for fibromyalgia and or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Patients come to Dr. Miller from all around Lexington, Ky and up to one – three hour drive from Lexington, Ky. As so many of his patients say… “It certainly not to far to drive to have my life saved!” The doctors at True Health & Chiropractic of Lexington have assisted many patients reverse fibromyalgia and returned them to a healthy life again.