Whiplash Type Injury Causes and Traditional Care
Whiplash Type Injury
Sometimes in a rear end collision, the whiplash type injury victim may not have visible bruise, be cut or bleeding, or have any broken bones. Their physical appearance may not look like they are hurt when they are seriously injured. A visit to the emergency room or medical doctor may only end up with prescriptions for painkillers and muscle relaxers. The problem with this level of whiplash type injury treatment is that it does not help the serious injury heal correctly. Under these conditions, odds are very, very good that whiplash type injury injured people will be looking at progressive loss of motion and mobility over time and will end up with surgery to put rods in their necks. They will also have debilitating issues with pain and pain meds and even addiction to pain meds, which is a very slippery slope that does not cure anything. The fortunate whiplash type injury patient is the one who visits an experienced natural care chiropractor for whiplash type injury therapies.
Whiplash Type Injury Therapy
The causes of the whiplash type injury pain, namely, persistent pain with no other particular findings through examination or specific tests, is the type of pain presenting the most problems for not only the patient but also doctors, and even the legal system. In a short time after a motor vehicle whiplash accident, it is regularly impossible to decide on the precise cause or in most whiplash cases, causes of the whiplash type injury pain. The whiplash type injury symptoms and whiplash signs are not sufficiently definite. In approximately every occurrence, the muscles and connected ligaments are strained and might be painful, inflamed, and tender. On the other hand, after a few months, the main muscle and other soft tissue whiplash injuries typically appear to have healed. Too many whiplash patients have found this is deceptive in the end, when worse problems show up years later.
For the most part, the general causes of unrelenting whiplash pain in whiplash type injuries are the facet joints and the adjoining discs. There is a poor link, between the x-ray results of the affected joints, and whether or not those joints are painful. Some of the joints, which may look bad, are not painful, whereas the joints that are looking good on x-ray are the ones causing the pain. One traditional whiplash option is facet injections, which are frequently used to determine whether the joint is painful or not.
Whiplash Type Injury Study
In a recent whiplash research study, 23 percent of whiplash patients, facet joints were causing whiplash pain, in 20 percent of patients the discs were causing whiplash pain, and in 41 percent of patients both the facet joints and discs were causing whiplash pain. The researchers were not able to spot the source of the whiplash pain in 17 percent of their patients.
Whiplash Type Injury and Associated Symptoms
Many whiplash patients with a whiplash type injury have symptoms, which seem inexplicable, such as headaches, pain in the shoulders, between the shoulder blades, or in one or both arms. There may be dizziness, fatigue, ringing in the ears, problems with vision, heaviness in the arms, ringing in the ears, and low back pain. There could be lack of concentration or memory lapse, changes in the ability to control emotions with noticeable irritability, intermittent depression or shorted tempers, with plenty of sleep disturbances. Many of the whiplash type injury symptoms are not dealt with using traditional whiplash type injury therapies.