Category : Personal Injury

Whiplash Type Injury Causes and Traditional Care

Whiplash Type Injury

Sometimes in a rear end collision, the whiplash type injury victim may not have visible bruise, be cut or bleeding, or have any broken bones. Their physical appearance may not look like they are hurt when they are seriously injured. A visit to the emergency room or medical doctor may only end up with prescriptions for painkillers and muscle relaxers. The problem with this level of whiplash type injury treatment is that it does not help the serious injury heal correctly. Under these conditions, odds are very, very good that whiplash type injury injured people will be looking at progressive loss of motion and mobility over time and will end up with surgery to put rods in their necks. They will also have debilitating issues with pain and pain meds and even addiction to pain meds, which is a very slippery slope that does not cure anything. The fortunate whiplash type injury patient is the one who visits an experienced natural care chiropractor for whiplash type injury therapies.

Whiplash Type Injury Therapy

The causes of the whiplash type injury pain, namely, persistent pain with no other particular findings through examination or specific tests, is the type of pain presenting the most problems for not only the patient but also doctors, and even the legal system. In a short time after a motor vehicle whiplash accident, it is regularly impossible to decide on the precise cause or in most whiplash cases, causes of the whiplash type injury pain. The whiplash type injury symptoms and whiplash signs are not sufficiently definite. In approximately every occurrence, the muscles and connected ligaments are strained and might be painful, inflamed, and tender. On the other hand, after a few months, the main muscle and other soft tissue whiplash injuries typically appear to have healed. Too many whiplash patients have found this is deceptive in the end, when worse problems show up years later.

For the most part, the general causes of unrelenting whiplash pain in whiplash type injuries are the facet joints and the adjoining discs. There is a poor link, between the x-ray results of the affected joints, and whether or not those joints are painful. Some of the joints, which may look bad, are not painful, whereas the joints that are looking good on x-ray are the ones causing the pain. One traditional whiplash option is facet injections, which are frequently used to determine whether the joint is painful or not.

Whiplash Type Injury Study

In a recent whiplash research study, 23 percent of whiplash patients, facet joints were causing whiplash pain, in 20 percent of patients the discs were causing whiplash pain, and in 41 percent of patients both the facet joints and discs were causing whiplash pain. The researchers were not able to spot the source of the whiplash pain in 17 percent of their patients.

Whiplash Type Injury and Associated Symptoms

Many whiplash patients with a whiplash type injury have symptoms, which seem inexplicable, such as headaches, pain in the shoulders, between the shoulder blades, or in one or both arms. There may be dizziness, fatigue, ringing in the ears, problems with vision, heaviness in the arms, ringing in the ears, and low back pain. There could be lack of concentration or memory lapse, changes in the ability to control emotions with noticeable irritability, intermittent depression or shorted tempers, with plenty of sleep disturbances. Many of the whiplash type injury symptoms are not dealt with using traditional whiplash type injury therapies.

Whiplash Causes and Traditional Long Term Care

Learn more about Whiplash Causes and Traditional Long Term Care

When you or someone you know has suffered whiplash type injuries or other accident related injuries, it could be an excellent and wise plan to contact a skilled chiropractor with experience in personal injury accident cases. Traditional treatment for whiplash type injuries might consist of the use of a soft cervical collar, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, whiplash pain medications, ice and or heat treatments. Generally, when whiplash symptoms last for some time are constant and get worse, It is tempting to get a second opinion. Dr. Miller is happy to provide a second opinion on your whiplash type injury or whiplash injuries. On the other hand, further whiplash type injury or whiplash injuries tests, could be essential to establish the full extent of the whiplash type injuries.  Whiplash surgery is rarely necessary unless a more serious condition, like a damaged and herniated disk, is discovered.

Whiplash Causes for Headaches and Neck Pain

Fortunately, most whiplash type injury victims who suffer neck pain after a whiplash type injury or whiplash injuries appear to have recovered by six months or so. This is very deceptive and will be addressed shortly. In the meantime, it is important to note that, a certain percentage of whiplash type injury victims will continue to have various kinds of whiplash type injury pain, consisting of various headaches and neck pain. Most whiplash type injury victims certain to get well completely will have done so by three to four months usually. Even with a traditional whiplash injury treatment or whiplash injury treatment, after which the rate of recovery slows markedly. By two years, essentially all whiplash type injury victims have reached their personal maximum progress.

Whiplash Treatments for Whiplash Type Injury Victims

About 18 percent of whiplash type injury victims continued to have significant pain two years after the accident! Whiplash type injury victims, whose whiplash injury symptoms did not improve, often had some types of whiplash pain which began immediately after the whiplash accident, and/or generally had their head turned to one side on impact. They also found that whiplash type injury victims, who, before the accident, already had a medical history of arthritis of the neck, neck pain, or some headaches, can take longer to improve. When an accident produces a whiplash type injury requiring injury treatments, to alleviate headaches, neck pain, and whiplash symptoms for whiplash type injury victims, any time spent waiting increases the odds it will take longer to get positive results.

Dizziness occurs in one quarter to one half of whiplash type injury victims with headaches, neck pain, and whiplash type injury. Again, whiplash injury researchers are not sure of the cause. The most likely explanation is a whiplash injury to the part of the inner ear that regulates balance. Problems with memory and concentration can be due to the whiplash injury pain itself, depression, medications, or trauma to the brain.

Visual disturbances occur in 10 to 30 percent of whiplash type injury victims with headaches, neck pain, or a whiplash type injury, with blurred vision with dizziness being the most common whiplash injury symptoms. Regardless of the time lapse between your whiplash accident and your whiplash injury treatment, you will get a scientific assessment and real results and relief with Dr. Miller’s whiplash treatments.

Neck Injury Pain Patients get Neck Pain Relief from a Personal Injury Chiropractor

Can Neck Injury Pain Patients get Neck Pain Relief from a Personal Injury Chiropractor?

Personal Injury Chiropractor, Dr. Miller will help you take control of personal injury neck pain relief in what matters most in your life. You might be astounded to discover how frequently a huge range of personal injury symptoms can be alleviated through chiropractic personal injury care, and not just neck injury pain. Personal injury chiropractor, Dr. Miller, believes in providing you with the neck pain relief care you need. Dr. Miller will help you get your neck pain relief so you can get back to the things you love in life while maintaining a high level of health through chiropractic personal injury care. Your personal injury chiropractor and staff understand what you are going through and are very well trained to handle your personal injuries causing neck injury pain. Dr. Miller will return you to the greatest level of health possible.

Personal Injury Patients get Neck Pain Relief

Dr. Miller, an experienced personal injury chiropractor, provides caring, better quality patient treatments. Dr. Miller treats motor vehicle accident injuries, neck injury pain, neck aches, whiplash, acute and chronic headaches and more with a scientific assessment and real results from a variety of cutting edge and holistic treatment methods through chiropractic treatments. Personal injury patients get neck pain relief. Chiropractic personal injury care is for improving neck pain relief. By maintaining balance within the spine and nervous system, which is gotten in the course of chiropractic personal injury care, neck injury pain can be taken care of and chiropractic personal injury care can be achieved.

The Benefits of Accident Insurance for your Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Accident

When you have a motor vehicle personal injury accident, and have motor vehicle accident insurance, you should read your motor vehicle accident insurance policies cautiously. Most motor vehicle accident insurance policies will cover for a certain amount of medical expenses in case you get motor vehicle injuries accident. In most cases, no matter what your motor vehicle personal injury accident insurance covers, your first step should be to go to a chiropractor or a hospital and have a professional determine the extent of the motor vehicle accident injuries.

Your motor vehicle personal injury accident insurance coverage will be sent directly to the hospital that treated your motor vehicle accident injuries. If your motor vehicle accident insurance does not cover much in term of motor vehicle personal injury accident injuries and medical expenses, you should consider applying for a health insurance.

In the end, whether or not your motor vehicle accident insurance will cover your motor vehicle accident injuries medical expenses depends on what kind of motor vehicle accident insurance policy you are getting. Go over your motor vehicle personal injury accident insurance policy motor cautiously to know exactly in what kind of motor vehicle accident injuries situation you should file a motor vehicle accident insurance claim to see if motor vehicle accident injuries, after being injured in a motor vehicle accident your insurance cover your medical expenses.

Get out of motor vehicle personal injury accident injuries pain today. Call for an appointment with Dr. Miller today if you have been in a motor vehicle accident recently. You do not need to suffer needlessly from your personal injury accident. Your motor vehicle accident injuries can be diagnoses and chiropractic treatment can begin soon after your phone consultation with a motor vehicle personal injury accident injuries chiropractor who will explain your motor vehicle accident insurance!


Whiplash with Accompanying Neck and Back Pain

What really is Whiplash with Accompanying Neck and Back Pain

Directly after an auto accident, the effects of soft tissue injury, with the discomfort of inflammation, and sharp to achy neck and back pain, starts quite gradually.  Every day, after an auto accident, you will find new aches and pains. Fresh bruises and welts can appear. It may just be that you are focused on what hurts the most and do not notice all of your other injuries. This is one reason why it is wise to get examined by your chiropractor. Your chiropractor is trained to look for all the injuries you could have from the specifics of your auto accident.

You can hurt even if no part of your body hit anything. That is often what happens with a whiplash type injury. The front to back snapping of your head in a rear end collision damages your neck and often causes more damage to your brain as it bangs around inside you scull. No bruises on the outside, except, perhaps from your seatbelt, but you are seriously injured with soft tissue damage you will deal with for a while, with chiropractic care and without chiropractic care, you may deal with things the rest of your life, as many people have learned the hard way.

Auto Accident Injuries can cause Whiplash with Neck and Back Pain

As the inflammation changes and increases, it puts internal pressure in your joints, which inflammation is responsible for them getting stiff.  Usually, inflammation after a whiplash accident, peaks seventy two hours after an auto accident.  This clarifies why your neck hurts the most some hours after your auto accident, instead of directly after an auto accident. You may think you are fine the day of your accident, walking around dazed and full of adrenaline, but your chiropractor is not fooled, when you tell him you are fine out of habit!

It is essential to know that neck and back pain can occur from even low velocity accidents.  The reason is that the kinetic force of an auto is quite high, even at five miles per hour, due to the great mass of the auto. This energy is transferred to the occupants of the auto and is actually more violent if the autos do not dent, which is frequently the case in low impact accidents. Consequently, even in a low-impact auto accident can be plenty to cause neck and back pain. It is wise to get checked immediately to make sure problems do not change later on.

Auto Accident Injuries can cause Neck and Back Pain and Whiplash Headaches

Headaches with neck and back pain injury is common. A whiplash headache can frequently outweigh your neck pain in terms of relentlessness, mostly in the early weeks after injury. Nearly two thirds of whiplash injury sufferers have headaches. About half of those who change headaches after neck and back pain injuries feel the pain in the back of their head, another third get headaches all over their heads and a small number feel headaches in their foreheads or behind their eyes.


Chiropractic is a Better Treatment Choice for Personal Injury

Personal Injury and Chiropractic

Chiropractors have long been committed to giving the safest and utmost effective healing methods for their personal injury patients. Historical proof supports chiropractic treatments as effective, safe, and an acceptable choice for personal injury patients with many common types of headaches and neck and back pain.  Chiropractic treatment has an extraordinary length of time supporting and proving the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in a range of diverse health ailments and many additional personal injury accident studies are currently in process.

Chiropractic for Personal Injury Back Pain

Many of these personal injury accident studies have been done not only by chiropractors, but by other professionals as well, including federal government studies of various countries.  How do chiropractors treat personal injury accident patients after a personal injury auto accident injury, personal injury? In a personal injury accident, ligament, muscle, and tendon damage results from the intense movement of the body along with shock from impacts. Many traditional medical treatments focus on obvious personal injuries while assuming that adjacent soft tissues will heal by themselves.

Personal Injury Auto Accidents and other Personal Injury Related Injuries

In many personal injury accident cases, the body is astonishing at healing, however, frequently, back pain, neck pain, and headaches could appear weeks and months after an accident when your body is healing in response to your injury, it compensates for misalignment and soft tissue injuries. When fundamental structural issues go untreated, the body rebuilds an injured area with built-in potential for long-term pain and limited function. Old personal injuries could frequently be the fundamental cause of sciatica or make existing chronic problems worse.

Your back is a delicate structure of muscles, bones, and other tissues going from your neck to your pelvis. Back injuries could result from sports injuries, simple activities around the house, or a sudden jolt such as an auto accident. The low back is where most people with back problems get hurt. The low back is where most back injuries and back pain come from.

Chiropractic Gets Personal Injury Patients Back to their Lives Fast

Over 85 percent of the driving population will experience back related personal injuries or other problems. Most personal injury accidents that have been treated with chiropractic, have shown chiropractic treatment to be better than traditional medical treatment for auto accident back personal injuries. Chiropractors are capable of getting their personal injury patients out of pain and back to their lives faster and with lower treatment costs. For injured people, this means by getting chiropractic treatments could speed up recovery time.

Personal injury in your workplace, shopping, in your daily life, traveling or following a personal injury auto accident or elsewhere could be a serious matter. For your health and well-being, do not assume that just because you get instant relief from your back pain or your neck pain of both, after an injury accident means you are okay. Too frequently, personal injury auto accident victims suffer ongoing symptoms years and years after your auto accident injury and your personal injury insurance claims have finally been settled.

Whiplash Symptoms Now and Later

Is it Possible to have Whiplash Symptoms Now and Later

Whiplash type injuries like headaches, neck and back pain are treated through specific chiropractic manipulation. Chiropractic manipulation, often called a chiropractic adjustment, works to increase joint mobility in the neck and back, reestablishing range of motion while lessening muscle spasms, which does help lessen the pressure and tension from your neck and back pain.

Should have Listened to my Chiropractor about my Whiplash Symptoms

“Ten years ago, I was in an auto accident which gave me a whiplash. The thing is, I never knew it was a big deal until years later. At the time, my chiropractor told me to make appointments for a while, but I stopped going when I started feeling better. What a mistake. I was young and thought I knew more than my chiropractor. For the next five years my neck would occasionally get stiff and lock up which lasted for about two weeks at a time, with neck pain, about twice a year. Recently, I started seeing Dr. Miller for that neck pain problem, which has stopped now so I feel much better. If Dr. Miller tells me I need to come in for routine visits, I believe it now. I learned the hard way to believe consistent chiropractic treatments will help me feel better, have more energy and even sleep better.”

Whether you have been in a serious auto accident, suffer from whiplash, headaches, neck pain, back pain, arthritis, joint pain, or just would like life to be better, in all likelihood, a chiropractor may help. When you or a loved one has suffered whiplash type injuries or other accident related injuries, it could be in your best interests to call a personal injury auto accident chiropractor today for an appointment.

Whiplash Treatments for your Injury

Treatment for whiplash type injuries could involve the use of physical therapy, a soft cervical collar, muscle relaxants, pain medications and/or heat treatments, some of which you could get from your chiropractor. If your symptoms continue and even get worse, on the other hand, additional tests could be essential to decide the degree of the injury. Surgery is seldom required unless a more severe complaint, is discovered.

When patients with any indication they are dealing with whiplash symptoms come to see Dr. Miller, at True Health Solutions of Lexington, they are treated to thorough examinations to make sure they have accurate diagnosis. It is at this point that true scientific options for treatment may be put into a personalized whiplash treatment program.

Whiplash is common in auto accidents, because muscles do not have enough time during impact, to brace. Personal injury cases of whiplash are the consequence of strain or sprained or torn of ligaments in your neck. The muscles in your neck normally spasm as a protective response after an injury has happened. What this can do is cause your back to misalign, irritating nerves, thereby limiting your body’s ability to heal by itself.

Over time your neck area becomes weaker, subject to re-injury and increase symptoms. If not properly treated, scar tissue may form which is weaker than your soft tissue in the area. This in turn may reduce motion and is more sensitive to pain and stress and harder to treat. Pain, muscle weakness, spasm, or an uncomfortable sensation symptom from a whiplash injury are quite common. Other symptoms of whiplash might be a stiff and or painful neck, shoulders upper back, or even headaches.

These whiplash symptoms might run down through your arms, hands, fingers or present as a muscle tingling or grip weakness. Other whiplash symptoms may include sleep disorders, balance difficulty, memory problems, dizziness, vision issues, and vertigo.

Car Accident can cause Personal Injuries of All Kinds

Car Accident can cause Personal Injuries

Directly after a devastating car accident, soft tissue injury, inflammation, and neck and back pain, starts quite gradually.  As the inflammation changes, it increases internal pressure in the joints, which is responsible for them getting stiff.  Usually, inflammation after a whiplash accident, peaks seventy two hours after a devastating car accident.  This clarifies why your neck hurts the most some hours after your devastating car accident, instead of directly after a devastating car accident.

Devastating Car Accident Injuries can cause Neck and Back Pain and Whiplash

It is essential to know that neck and back pain can occur from even low velocity accidents.  The reason is that the kinetic force of a devastating car is quite high, even at five miles per hour, due to the great mass of the devastating car. This energy is transferred to the occupants of the devastating car and is actually more violent if the devastating cars do not dent, which is frequently the case in low impact accidents. Consequently, even in a low-impact devastating car accident can be plenty to cause neck and back pain. It is wise to get checked immediately to make sure problems do not change later on.

Even if you do not have any obvious or immediate symptoms after a devastating car accident, I would recommend that you visit a chiropractor who specializes in devastating car injury recovery as soon as possible.  First an examination of the seriousness of your whiplash injury and neck to shoulder injuries has to be made. Your chiropractor will do an initial exam to evaluate the degree of injury and that examination may well include x-rays.  When your injury is discovered to be whiplash related, your chiropractor can start a number of chiropractic treatments to get your strength, functionality and mobility back.

A Whiplash Headache is a Likely Result of a Car Accident

Headaches with neck and back pain injury is common. A whiplash headache can frequently outweigh your neck pain in terms of relentlessness, mostly in the early weeks after injury. Nearly two thirds of whiplash injury sufferers have headaches. About half of those who change headaches after neck and back pain injuries feel the pain in the back of their head, another third get headaches all over their heads and a small number feel headaches in their foreheads or behind their eyes.

Some people tend to pay no attention to their pain and keep going with a neck to shoulder injury, which only exacerbates the issue, and might conceivably produce more issues. People additionally, might underrate the degree of their injury, due to solid pain, weakness in the arm, or when their joint motion is restricted which will become nearly second nature to them.

Neck pain shoulder pain affects many people at some time in their lives. It comes in many forms, from neck pain shoulder pain, painful rotator cuff injuries to neck pain. Neck pain shoulder pain from a neck to shoulder injury is not a diagnosis — it’s a symptom of an underlying issue. Common neck pain shoulder pain from a neck to shoulder injury produces include nerve issues, osteoarthritis, painful rotator cuff injuries and muscular issues. Many people find relief from neck pain shoulder pain from a neck to shoulder injury through chiropractic treatments. We combine chiropractic treatments with exercise and physical therapy to ensure a lasting result.

Whiplash Injury Pain Requiring Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care is common for Whiplash Injury

Whiplash injuries pain requiring chiropractic care are common injuries which one may get in a personal injury accident. Occasionally the personal injury accident victim is not aware of the seriousness of their injuries until long after the personal injury accident occurred. Slip and fall and trip and fall personal injury accidents and motor vehicle personal injury accidents are two of the most common types of personal injury accidents which cause whiplash injuries pain requiring chiropractic care. Whatever the cause, personal injury chiropractors, who are additionally slip and fall and trip and fall chiropractors, may assist you with your injuries. People who get a whiplash pain may experience debilitating neck pain and other pain which affects their neck, arms, shoulders, and back. The neck pain and other pain might be so bad, the injured victim is laid up and incapable of working. Your usual daily life and even your established quality of life may be changed forever, because of a whiplash injury pain.

What Causes a Whiplash Injury Pain?

A whiplash injury pain is caused by the abrupt and vicious jerking of your head and neck, as it whips backwards and forwards beyond the usual range of motion, because of a shuddering effect from behind. Being rear ended while waiting at a stop light is one instance of the sort of personal injury accident which will cause a personal injury whiplash injury pain. Both the motorist and their passenger may get this type of personal injury when hit from behind. Every soft tissue muscle in your sore neck is injured, including your neck, shoulder tendons and ligaments.Treatments for Whiplash Injury PainThe wise treatments for this type of personal injury depends on your injury severity. Occasionally a neck brace is to be worn for a time and the injured victim is to stay in bed for a few days. Anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed along with neck pain and other pain medication. Some chiropractors advise heat and ice therapies to assist with reducing inflammation and swelling, too. Injured victims might additionally be prescribed physical therapy to treat their whiplash injuries. A wise injured victim may additionally turn to a personal injury trained chiropractor for treatment for whiplash injury pain.

Whiplash Injury Pain Complications

The seriousness of a personal injury whiplash injury pain might not show up until long after the personal injury accident. The injured victim might develop muscle spasms and neck pain and other pain which hinders their daily activities. When the upper back and neck are involved the neck pain and other pain might grow worse over time. Some people who have gotten this type of personal injury might have to endure chronic neck pain and other pain the neck area for the rest of their lives. If the personal injury is really severe, the injured victim might experience spinal cord damage. Arthritis in the cervical area might additionally develop over time. Victims have additionally experience horrendous whiplash headaches and nerve damage as the result of a whiplash injury pain.

Chiropractor Explains Whiplash Injury Pain Symptoms and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Injury Pain Symptoms

Whiplash injury pain symptoms vary depending on the personal injury. Why whiplash injury pain symptoms may vary is because of the effects of the motor vehicle personal injury accident personal injury and all the various organs involved. Whiplash injury pain symptoms mostly involve the bones, joints and ligaments of the spine. Damage to different body part might involve different whiplash injury pain symptoms.

Whiplash Personal injury and Whiplash Headache Therapy

Whiplash injury pain symptoms from spinal vertebra and muscle personal injury include: abrupt neck pain and other pain with increased with activity. Whiplash injury pain symptoms to the spinal disc include neck pain and other pain with coughing or sneezing. Whiplash injury pain symptoms to peripheral nerves include burning neck pain and other pain with muscle weakness. Whiplash injury pain symptoms to the brain include blurred vision and ringing in ears.

How Chiropractic Adjustments Relieve Whiplash Headaches

A personal injury whiplash injury pain may result in multiple symptoms including whiplash headaches. At Dr. Miller’s chiropractic office, your examination will determine what is causing your whiplash injury pain symptoms and offer therapy to minimize your symptoms.

Therapies to Relieve Whiplash Headaches

  1. Most Common Cause of Stress Headaches that Makes Whiplash Worse

What are some of the most common causes of stress induced whiplash headaches? First thing may be some major trauma such as a motor vehicle crash, some type of a sports personal injury. Which may affect the musculature around the neck, the actual joints themselves.

The other thing would be minor trauma, minor traumas are from things which are repetitive or prolonged such as:

Constantly moving your head during a tennis match

Prolonged sitting at the computer for too long

Cradling a phone between the head and shoulders placing a stress on your ligaments create joint pressure.

All these things may cause and lead to misalignment in the spine and those misalignment’s may start to irritate nerve roots.  The muscles attach to those vertebrae so when they shift out of alignment, it’ll cause stress, strain and tension to those muscles and joints and cause whiplash headaches.

  1. How Chiropractic Adjustments Relieve Whiplash Headaches

How do spinal adjustments assist with whiplash headaches? The chiropractic adjustment locates the misaligned vertebra and we align which vertebra and take pressure off of which joint.

This will additionally assist to relax muscles, take pressure off nerves, and off the joints allowing the joint to function usual and allow the body to heal.

  1. Therapies to Relieve Whiplash Headaches

These are a few of the therapies Dr. Miller has found to consistently relieve whiplash headache neck pain and other pain.

Electrical muscle stimulation: Mild electrical current to relieve muscle tension and spasms.

Inferential current therapy: Mild electrical nerve block to sedate the neck pain and other pain fibers relieving whiplash headache neck pain and other pain.

Dr. Miller focuses on your treatment of neck pain and other pain relief of whiplash headaches, back pain, disc injuries, and whiplash injury pain.

Personal Injury Chiropractic and Insurance

Personal Injury Chiropractic

When you are hurt in a motor vehicle accident, the last thing you want to hear is that your insurance can not cover your medical treatment, or that you cannot experience instant relief from your personal injury pain. Though this is exactly what can happen and is why many people retain and follow the advice of their personal injury attorney. Many personal injury attorneys refer their personal injury clients to an experienced personal injury chiropractor for those two reasons: insurance companies will pay for chiropractic services, and you can get immediate relief from your personal injury pain after even your first visit.

The Role of Dr. Miller with your Personal Injury

The role of Dr. Miller as a Personal Injury Chiropractic expert in your personal injury case can seem easy but he can provide timely reports for your personal injury attorney, if needed, giving your attorney the necessary material needed on a consistent basis about your personal injury, and any progress you are having, as well as Dr. Miller’s prognosis for your recovery and any lasting effects expected to remain after your chiropractic treatment period is completed.

Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Chiropractic Services

Early on, when your personal injury pain is the worst, you can expect see Dr. Miller a few times a week. As your personal injury pain begins to improve, and your other personal injuries improve, chiropractic visits can be as little as once a month and ultimately, you will not need chiropractic treatments for your particular personal injury completely. While it is highly prudent to continue to have chiropractic adjustments occasionally to maintain your health, it cannot be a condition for your personal injury case to settle.

Motor Vehicle Accident Related Injuries

Dr. Miller has been assisting people with personal injury back pain, neck pain, other problems, and has assisted relieve personal injury pain for people suffering personal injuries, mainly from motor vehicle accidents and works closely with many local medical doctors for the benefit of Dr. Miller’s personal injury patients.

One Type of Personal Injury is being a Whiplash Victim

“I have gone to see Dr. Miller for two different motor vehicle accidents in the last three years. The first time was for a whiplash and stiff neck due to a motor vehicle accident. The last one, which I am still getting chiropractic treatments for, is for bruising on my left shoulder and low back because of a work related personal injury. I came back to Dr. Miller because he assisted me so much with my car wreck. Dr. Miller is the best! I am currently improving and healing well just as I did before. Dr. Miller is an excellent chiropractor, who uses the right therapies for my injuries and has a great friendly staff, too!”

Dr. Miller through Personal Injury Chiropractic treats many of the ailments of a motor vehicle personal injury including whiplash, sprains and strains, shoulder and neck personal injury pain, headaches, numbness, dizziness and vertigo, lower back personal injury pain, personal injury pain in legs or arms and car seatbelt personal injury.