Category : Neuropathy

Secondary Neuropathy Pain Symptom Relief in Kentucky

Neuropathy Pain Symptom Relief

Neuropathy pain is pain coming directly as a consequence of a lesion or condition affecting the somatosensory system. Around one fourth of all the neuropathy pain sufferers with neuropathy pain also have type 2 diabetes. The discomfort can be extreme and is typically of chronic and can be described by the type 2 diabetes patient like getting an electric shock, or a burning sensation, a severe, stabbing or shooting pain.

Neuropathy Pain and its Natural Health Management

Other issues can include, allodynia, which is when even a gentle, light touch, provokes pain, hyperpathia, a short incidence of discomfort causing sustained severe pain or hyperalgesia, which is discomfort, which would normally be mild, but instead feels like severe pain.

Neuropathy Pain Prevalence

There is no way people who do not suffer with neuropathy pain can truly understand what it is like to have to deal with neuropathy pain every day. Of all the neuropathy pain sufferers, suffering with painful neuropathy pain, 16-26% of those neuropathy pain sufferers also suffer with diabetes. In traditional medicine these are some of the drugs that are used: Nitrofurantoin, Isoniazid, Vincristine, cisplatin, arsenic, Thallium, Clioquinol, and Disulfiram. If you are on any of these drugs, you may want to do some research to see what the side effects and contraindications are and to make an appointment with Dr. Miller. Neuropathy pain sufferers following Dr. Miller’s program are safely getting off these and other drugs.

Neuropathy Pain and Traditional Therapies and Care

The traditional protocols for treating neuropathy pain look something like an experiment. The risks and benefits of neuropathy pain pharmacological care are considered and a particular drug is selected. Coping strategies are looked at and several non-pharmacological options, which can include referral to a specialist for psychological therapies, or for surgical and often to pain clinics for interventions, are a few of those options.

When a traditional doctor is selecting a specific medication for a neuropathy pain and/or type 2 diabetes patient, several things are considered, like, safety aspects, drug contra-indications, the patient’s preferences and their lifestyle factors, whether the patient has a history of mental health issues which can include anxiety and depression and any existing medication history. All medications and dosage instructions are given in writing and supplementing pain medication with over the counter drugs or alcohol is a sign, what you are doing is not working. Sometimes traditional doctors will overlap old medications with new ones, in an attempt to get pain under control. See Dr. Miller if your situation is this painful.

When should you see Dr. Miller for Neuropathy Pain?

Call Dr. Miller if you have a diagnosis of neuropathy pain, of if you have doubt about your diagnosis of neuropathy pain, if you have not had inadequate response from your current neuropathy pain management care, or if find you are using drugs, nerve blocks, and other therapies to no lasting effect.  For neuropathy pain sufferers who suffer with neuropathy pain and/or type 2 diabetes, Lexington, Kentucky is close by for getting their health restored and their healthy life back. Most of our type 2 diabetes and neuropathy pain sufferers come to us not only from Lexington Kentucky, but from communities that frame the city of Lexington, Kentucky.  Lexington Kentucky is a great city which has easy access for type 2 diabetes and neuropathy pain sufferers to get to easily.

Management of Neuropathy Pain

What is Neuropathy Pain?

Neuropathy pain patients come to Dr. Miller suffering with the symptoms of neuropathy pain because their neuropathy pain is unmanageable and the side effects and costs of traditional neuropathy pain care is too much to bear, more often than not. If you too suffer from neuropathy pain, odds are you know this story only too well, yourself. The neuropathy pain care of the issues causing the neuropathy pain, is critical to neuropathy pain management. Neuropathy pain relieved by pressure, for instance, may traditionally necessitate surgery and/or other invasive procedures. Dr. Miller has a neuropathy pain management program that is not invasive.

In handling the management of your neuropathy pain symptoms, when your underlying cause was medical in origin, and recurring, or chronic, or acute in nature, while waiting for it to be bad enough for medical intervention, you may have felt you had no other choice, for treating your condition. It is a terrible place to be.

Non-pharmacological Measures for Neuropathy Pain

When it comes to psychological treatment techniques, the evidence base has suggested, psychological neuropathy pain care can be quite beneficial, in assisting neuropathy pain patients in dealing with the emotional conditions, of neuropathy pain. The problem is it does not have much of a positive effect, on the level of neuropathy pain itself. The studies of chronic neuropathy pain management have suggested there can be a combination of pharmacological, psychological, and the physical therapies, that can be personalized to meet the needs of each neuropathy pain patient, and although these may be the best traditional methods available, the contra-indications, side effects and lack of progress towards healing leave much to be desired.

Neuropathy Pain Patient Education

Neuropathy pain patient education is fairly often used as an ineffective strategy, which the evidence base has proven falls short of effectiveness. One would think there would be great benefit when a neuropathy pain patient is more informed and able to be more involved in healthcare decisions about their own neuropathy pain treatment, and there may be many factors as to why this has not been effective, not the least of which may be the patients may just be weary of the whole situation and not see any hope of improvement. This is another reason neuropathy pain patients come to Dr. Miller.

Neuropathy Pain Patient Electrical Stimulation

Perhaps in your desire to be pain free you have tried a TENS unit or some other electrical stimulation method for pain control.  A TENS unit, which stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, can help with neuropathy pain control to a point and with some patients under some conditions. The problem is, it still does nothing to correct the underlying issues, which Dr. Miller’s neuropathy pain program addresses.

Type 2 Diabetes Damage Results in Neuropathy

What is Neuropathy

Numbness, tingling, and a sensation of pins and needles are all type 2 diabetic symptoms of type 2 diabetic neuropathy, or nerve damage associated with your type 2 diabetes. This is most frequent in the hands, feet, fingers, or toes. Controlling your type 2 diabetes could help prevent you having to deal with this uncomfortable complication, which has its own long list of obnoxious symptoms.

What is Type 2 Diabetic Neuropathy?

Type 2 diabetic neuropathies are a family of nerve disorders caused by type 2 diabetes. When you have type 2 diabetes, you could, over a period of time, develop one or more nerve damage throughout your body. If you suffer with nerve damage but have no type 2 diabetic symptoms, which is still one or more things to look into immediately, as one or more things vital, are off. You could have type 2 diabetic symptoms consisting of tingling, pain, or numbness and loss of feeling in your hands, feet, arms and legs. Nerve issues could happen in any organ system in your body, including your heart, digestive tract, and sexual organs.

Type 2 Diabetes Damage Results in Nerve Pain of Neuropathy Long-Term

About 60 to 70 percent of type 2 diabetes sufferers with type 2 diabetes have one or more forms of neuropathy. Type 2 diabetes sufferers with type 2 diabetes symptoms could develop nerve issues at any time, but risks rise with advancing age and the longer you have had type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes Risks in Neuropathy

The highest rates of neuropathy are among those type 2 diabetes sufferers who have had type 2 diabetes for 25 years or longer. Type 2 diabetic neuropathies also seem to be seen more frequently in type 2 diabetes sufferers who have issues controlling their blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, as well as those who suffer with higher levels of blood fat and their blood pressure and generally those who are overweight to obese.

What Results in Diabetic Neuropathy?

The situations resulting neuropathy are likely dissimilar for various types of type 2 diabetic neuropathy as every single person is different. Researchers are currently studying how exposure to high blood glucose over very long periods of time, can result in nerve damage in some individuals faster and more intensely than other people.

Type 2 Diabetes Nerve Damage Results in Neuropathy

Nerve damage is likely because of a total of combinations of many issues, including, metabolic issues, such as long duration of type 2 diabetes, high blood glucose, abnormal blood fat levels, and possibly low levels of insulin, neurovascular issues, leading to loss to the blood vessels carrying oxygen and nutrients to your nerves, autoimmune issues causing inflammation in nerves, mechanical injury to nerves, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, even inherited traits increasing your susceptibility to nerve issues or lifestyle issues, such as the known to be harmful habits of smoking and or alcohol use. The good news is the advent of an excellent neuropathy program to get your type 2 diabetes neuropathy issues under control, through Dr. Miller.

What are the Type 2 Diabetic Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy?

Type 2 Diabetic Neuropathy

Type 2 diabetic symptoms can depend on your type of neuropathy and which of your nerves are most affected. One or more type 2 diabetes sufferers with even significant nerve damage have no visible type 2 diabetic symptoms. For other people, the first type 2 diabetic symptom is frequently tingling, numbness, or pain in the feet. Type 2 diabetic symptoms are frequently minor at first, and because most nerve damage happens over many years, and mild cases could go ignored for a very long time. Type 2 diabetic symptoms could include the motor, sensory, and autonomic or involuntary nervous systems. In one or more type 2 diabetes sufferers, mainly those with focal neuropathy, the beginning of when you start noticing pain, could be quite sudden and often times severe.

Type 2 diabetic symptoms of nerve damage could include, tingling, numbness, or pain in the feet, toes, legs, arms, hands, and fingers, indigestion, loss of the use of the muscles of the feet or hands, nausea, or diarrhea, vomiting, or constipation, dizziness or faintness because of a drop in blood pressure when standing up or sitting up, issues with urination, vaginal dryness in women, or erectile dysfunction in men and weakness. Type 2 diabetic symptoms that are not because of neuropathy, but frequently accompany it, include weight loss and depression.

What are the Kinds of Type 2 Diabetic Neuropathy?

Type 2 diabetic neuropathy could be classified as peripheral, autonomic, proximal, or focal. Each affects dissimilar parts of the body in various ways. Peripheral neuropathy, the most frequent type of type 2 diabetic neuropathy, results in pain or loss of feeling in the toes, feet, legs, hands, and arms.

Autonomic neuropathy results in changes in your bowel function, digestion, and your sexual response, bladder function, and your levels of perspiration. It could also affect your nerves that serve your heart and control your blood pressure, as well as your nerves in your lungs and your eyes. Autonomic neuropathy could additionally cause what is known as hypoglycemia unawareness. This is an issue where you no longer are experiencing the warnings you used to have of your type 2 diabetic symptoms of your low blood glucose levels.

Proximal neuropathy is when you feel pain in your thighs, your hips, or your buttocks which then leads to weakness in your legs. Focal neuropathy is when you experience a sudden weakness of one of your nerves or a group of your nerves, causing you to have muscle weakness or some type of pain. Any nerves in your entire body could be adversely affected.

The Results of Your Neuropathy Care Could Be Absolutely Life Changing

In fact, research proves that many if not all your type 2 diabetes medications carry the risk of serious side effects causing weight gain, liver issue and kidney failure. These your type 2 diabetes medications just mask the issue, temporarily reducing a type 2 diabetic symptom, and do not treat the primary, root results in of your type 2 diabetes nor do they reverse the issue process of your type 2 diabetes.